Good Old Christian Hymns Lyrics

Resting In Jesus

SongResting In Jesus
AlbumGood Old Christian Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s)Daniel S. Warner
TagsResting In Jesus
Scripture Reference(s) Exodus 33:14; Matthew 11:28
CCLI Song No 
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I Am Resting In Jesus, Hallelujah! I Know
That The Blood Of Atonement Makes Me Whiter Than Snow;
I Will Trust In My Savior, And Abide His Control;
For He Loved Me So Dearly That He Ransomed My Soul.

Oh, My Rest Is So Sweet,
As I Sit At Thy Feet;
I Am Resting, Dear Jesus,
In Thy Favor Complete.

I Am Resting In Jesus, Oh, How Sweet Are My Years!
He Has Banished My Troubles, And Removed All My Tears;
I Am Safe In His Kingdom, And A Heavenly Calm
Now Abides In My Bosom-Glory Be To The Lamb!

I Am Resting In Jesus, My Redeemer And Friend,
And The Peace Of His Kingdom Shall Endure Without End;
Oh, My Soul Is Transported In His Favor Divine,
And There’s Music, Sweet Music In This Bosom Of Mine.

I Am Resting In Jesus, What A Blessed Repose!
I Am Living In Triumph Over Death And All Foes;
I Can Smile At The Tempest, Hallelujah To God!
I Am Free, And Forever I Will Sing Of The Blood.