John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

Master I Own Thy Lawful Claim

SongMaster I Own Thy Lawful Claim
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsMaster I Own Thy Lawful Claim
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

Master, I Own Thy Lawful Claim,
Thine, Wholly Thine, I Long To Be!
Thou Seest, At Last, I Willing Am
Wherever Thou Go’st To Follow Thee;
Myself In All Things To Deny,
Thine, Wholly Thine, To Live And Die.

Whatever My Sinful Flesh Require
For Thee I Cheerfully Forego,
My Covetous And Vain Desires,
My Hopes Of Happiness Below,
My Senses’ And My Passions’ Food,
And All My Thirst For Creature-Good.

Pleasure, And Wealth, And Praise No More
Shall Lead My Captive Soul Astray,
My Fond Pursuits I All Give O’er,
Thee, Only Thee, Resolved To Obey;
My Own In All Things To Resign,
And Know No Other Will But Thine.

All Power Is Thine In Earth And Heaven,
All Fulness Dwells In Thee Alone;
Whatever I Have Was Freely Given,
Nothing But Sin I Call My Own,
Other Propriety Disclaim;
Thou Only Art The Great I AM.

Wherefore To Thee I All Resign;
Being Thou Art, And Love, And Power;
Thy Only Will Be Done, Not Mine!
Thee, Lord, Let Heaven And Earth Adore!
Flow Back The Rivers To The Sea,
And Let Our All Be Lost In Thee!