John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

O Jesu Source Of Calm Repose

SongO Jesu Source Of Calm Repose
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsO Jesu Source Of Calm Repose
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

O Jesu Source Of Calm Repose,
Thy Like Nor Man Nor Angel Knows,
Fairest Among Ten Thousand Fair!
Even Those Whom Death’s Sad Fetters Bound,
Whom Thickest Darkness Compassed Round.
Find Light And Life, If Thou Appear.

Effulgence Of The Light Divine,
Ere Rolling Planets Knew To Shine,
Ere Time Its Ceaseless Course Began,
Thou, When The Appointed Hour Was Come,
Didst Not Abhor The Virgin’s Womb,
But, God With God, Wast Man With Man.

The World, Sin, Death, Oppose In Vain;
Thou, By Thy Dying, Death Hast Slain,
My Great Deliverer, And My God;
In Vain Does The Old Dragon Rage,
In Vain All Hell Its Powers Engage,
None Can Withstand Thy Conquering Blood.

Lord Over All, Sent To Fulfil
Thy Gracious Father’s Sovereign Will,
To Thy Dread Sceptre Will I Bow:
With Duteous Reverence At Thy Feet,
Like Humble Mary, Lo! I Sit;
Speak, Lord, Thy Servant Heareth Now.

Renew Thine Image, Lord, In Me,
Lowly And Gentle May I Be;
No Charms But These To Thee Are Dear:
No Anger May’st Thou Ever Find,
No Pride, In My Unruffled Mind,
But Faith, And Heaven-Born Peace, Be There!

A Patient, A Victorious Mind,
That Life And All Things Casts Behind,
Springs Forth Obedient To Thy Call,
A Heart That No Desire Can Move,
But Still To Adore, Believe, And Love,
Give Me, My Lord, My Life, My All!