John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

‘Tis Finished! The Messias Dies

Song‘Tis Finished! The Messias Dies
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
Tags‘Tis Finished! The Messias Dies
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

‘Tis Finished! The Messias Dies,
Cut Off For Sins, But Not His Own:
Accomplished Is The Sacrifice,
The Great Redeeming Work Is Done.

‘Tis Finished! All The Debt Is Paid;
Justice Divine Is Satisfied;
The Grand And Full Atonement Made;
God For A Guilty World Hath Died.

The Veil Is Rent In Christ Alone;
The Living Way To Heaven Is Seen;
The Middle Wall Is Broken Down,
And All Mankind May Enter In.

The Types And Figures Are Fulfilled;
Exacted Is The Legal Pain;
The Precious Promises Are Sealed;
The Spotless Lamb Of God Is Slain.

The Reign Of Sin And Death Is O’er,
And All May Live From Sin Set Free;
Satan Hath Lost His Mortal Power;
‘Tis Swallowed Up In Victory.

Saved From The Legal Curse I Am,
My Saviour Hangs On Yonder Tree:
See There The Meek, Expiring Lamb!
‘Tis Finished! He Expires For Me.

Accepted In The Well-Beloved,
And Clothed In Righteousness Divine,
I See The Bar To Heaven Removed;
And All Thy Merits, Lord, Are Mine.

Death, Hell, And Sin Are Now Subdued;
All Grace Is Now To Sinners Given;
And Lo, I Plead The Atoning Blood,
And In Thy Right I Claim Thy Heaven!