John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

Tremendous God With Humble Fear

SongTremendous God With Humble Fear
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsTremendous God With Humble Fear
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

Tremendous God, With Humble Fear,
Prostrate Before Thy Awful Throne,
The Irrevocable Word We Hear,
The Sovereign Righteousness We Own.

‘Tis Fit We Should To Dust Return,
Since Such The Will Of The Most High;
In Sin Conceived, To Trouble Born,
Born Only To Lament And Die.

Submissive To Thy Just Decree,
We All Shall Soon From Earth Remove;
But When Thou Sendest, Lord, For Me,
O Let The Messenger Be Love!

Whispering Thy Love Into My Heart,
Warn Me Of My Approaching End;
And Then I Joyfully Depart,
And Then I To Thy Arms Ascend.