Lyrics Top Christian YouTube Hits

O The Deep Deep Love

SongO The Deep Deep Love
AlbumTop Christian YouTube Hits
GenreContemporary Hymns
TagsO The Deep Deep Love
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O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus!
Vast, Unmeasured, Boundless, Free;
Rolling As A Mighty Ocean
In Its Fulness Over Me.
Underneath Me, All Around Me,
Is The Current Of Thy Love;
Leading Onward, Leading Homeward,
To My Glorious Rest Above.

O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus!
Spread His Praise From Shore To Shore,
How He Loveth, Ever Loveth,
Changeth Never, Nevermore;
How He Watches O’er His Loved Ones,
Died To Call Them All His Own;
How For Them He Intercedeth,
Watches Over Them From The Throne.

O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus!
Love Of Every Love The Best:
‘This An Ocean Vast Of Blessing,
‘This A Haven Sweet Of Rest.
O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus!
‘This A Heaven Of Heavens To Me;
And It Lifts Me Up To Glory,
For It Lifts Me Up To Thee.