Lyrics Popular Hymns By Charles Wesley

Happy Who In Jesus Live

Song   Happy Who In Jesus Live
Album Popular Hymns By Charles Wesley
Genre Contemporary Christian Music
Writer Charles Wesley
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Happy Who In Jesus Live;
But Happier Still Are They
Who To God Their Spirits Give,
And Scape From Earth Away:
Lord, Thou Read’st The Panting Heart;
Lord, Thou Hear’st The Praying Sigh;
O ‘Tis Better To Depart,
‘Tis Better Far To Die!

Yet, If So Thy Will Ordain,
For Our Companions’ Good,
Let Us In The Flesh Remain,
And Meekly Bear The Load:
When We Have Our Grief Filled Up,
When We All Our Work Have Done,
Late Partakers Of Our Hope,
And Sharers Of Thy Throne.

To Thy Wise And Gracious Will
We Quietly Submit,
Waiting For Redemption Still,
But Waiting At Thy Feet:
When Thou Wilt The Blessing Give,
Call Us Up Thy Face To See;
Only Let Thy Servants Live
And Let Us Die, To Thee.

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