Lyrics YouTube Top Worship Songs

A New Commandment I Give

Song A New Commandment I Give
Album YouTube Top Worship Songs
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags A New Commandment I Give
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CCLI Song No
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A New Commandment I Give Unto You:
That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You,
That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You.
By This Shall All Know That You Are My Disciples:
If You Have Love One For Another.
By This Shall All Know That You Are My Disciples:
If You Have Love One For Another.

A New Commandment I Give Unto You:
That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You,
That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You.
You Are My Friends If You Do What I Command You.
Without My Help You Can Do Nothing.
You Are My Friends If You Do What I Command You.
Without My Help You Can Do Nothing.

A New Commandment I Give Unto You:
That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You,
That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You.
True Love Is Patient, Nor Arrogant Nor Boastful;
Love Bears All Things, Love Is Eternal.
True Love Is Patient, Nor Arrogant Nor Boastful;
Love Bears All Things, Love Is Eternal.

A New Commandment I Give Unto You:
That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You,
That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You.
I Am The True Vie, My Father Is The Gard’ner.
Abide In Me: I Will Be With You.
I Am The True Vie, My Father Is The Gard’ner.
Abide In Me: I Will Be With You.

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel