Good Old Christian Hymns Lyrics


AlbumGood Old Christian Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s)Albert B. Simpson
KeyMeter: D R
Scripture Reference(s) 1 Corinthians 8:6; 1 John 5:20; Colossians 1:27; John 15:4
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Once It Was The Blessing,
Now It Is The Lord;
Once It Was The Feeling,
Now It Is His Word;
Once His Gift I Wanted,
Now, The Giver Own;
Once I Sought For Healing,
Now Himself Alone.

All In All Forever,
Only Christ I’ll Sing;
Everything Is In Christ,
And Christ Is Everything.

Once ‘Twas Painful Trying,
Now ‘Tis Perfect Trust;
Once A Half Salvation,
Now The Uttermost;
Once ‘Twas Ceaseless Holding,
Now He Holds Me Fast;
Once ‘Twas Constant Drifting,
Now My Anchor’s Cast.

Once ‘Twas Busy Planning,
Now ‘Tis Trustful Prayer;
Once ‘Twas Anxious Caring,
Now He Has The Care;
Once ‘Twas What I Wanted,
Now What Jesus Says;
Once ‘Twas Constant Asking,
Now ‘Tis Ceaseless Praise.

Once It Was My Working,
His It Hence Shall Be;
Once I Tried To Use Him,
Now He Uses Me;
Once The Power I Wanted,
Now The Mighty One;
Once For Self I Laboured,
Now For Him Alone.

Once I Hoped In Jesus,
Now I Know He’s Mine;
Once My Lamps Were Dying,
Now They Brightly Shine;
Once For Death I Waited,
Now His Coming Hail;
And My Hopes Are Anchored
Safe Within The Veil.