Lyrics The Christian Hymn Book

Blessed Are The Sons Of God

Song Blessed Are The Sons Of God
Album The Christian Hymn Book
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s) A. Campbell And Others
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Blessed Are The Sons Of God
Theme(s) Spirit Of Adoption
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No
Buy Book/CD Amazon Buy Link

Blessed Are The Sons Of God;
They Are Bought With Jesus’ Blood;
They Are Ransomed From The Grave
Life Eternal They Shall Have;
With Them Numbered May We Be,
Here, And In Eternity.

They Are Justified By Grace,
They Enjoy The Saviour’s Peace;
All Their Sins Are Washed Away;
They Shall Stand In God’s Great Day:
With Them Numbered May We Be,
Here, And In Eternity.

They Are Lights Upon The Earth
Children Of A Heavenly Birth
One With God, With Jesus One;
Glory Is In Them Begun;
With Them Numbered May We Be,
Here, And In Eternity.

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