Lyrics The Christian Hymn Book

Blessed Be The Dear Uniting Love

Song Blessed Be The Dear Uniting Love
Album The Christian Hymn Book
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s) A. Campbell And Others
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Blessed Be The Dear Uniting Love
Theme(s)  Love Unity And Fellowship
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No
Buy Book/CD Amazon Buy Link

Blessed Be The Dear Uniting Love,
That Will Not Let Us Part;
Our Bodies May Far Off Remove
We Still Are One In Heart.

Joined In One Spirit To Our Head,
Where He Appoints, We Go;
And Still In Jesus’ Footsteps Tread,
And Show His Praise Below.

Partakers Of The Saviour’s Grace,
The Same In Mind And Heart;
Nor Joy, Nor Grief, Nor Time, Nor Place,
Nor Life, Nor Death, Can Part.

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