Song | Blest Be Our Everlasting Lord |
Album | John Wesley’s Collection of Hymns |
Genre | Traditional Christian Hymns |
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Tags | Blest Be Our Everlasting Lord |
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CCLI Song No |
BLEST Be Our Everlasting Lord,
Our Father, God, And King!
Thy Sovereign Goodness We Record,
Thy Glorious Power We Sing.
By Thee The Victory Is Given;
The Majesty Divine,
And Strength, And Might, And Earth, And Heaven,
And All Therein, Are Thine.
The Kingdom, Lord, Is Thine Alone,
Who Dost Thy Right Maintain,
And, High On Thine Eternal Throne,
O’er Men And Angels Reign.
Riches, As Seemeth Good To Thee,
Thou Dost, And Honour, Give;
And Kings Their Power And Dignity
Out Of Thy Hand Receive.
Thou Hast On Us The Grace Bestowed
Thy Greatness To Proclaim;
And Therefore Now We Thank Our God,
And Praise Thy Glorious Name.
Thy Glorious Name And Nature’s Powers
Thou Dost To Us Make Known;
And All The Deity Is Ours,
Through Thy Incarnate Son.