Lyrics The Christian Hymn Book

Far Down The Ages Now

Song Far Down The Ages Now
Album The Christian Hymn Book
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s) A. Campbell And Others
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Far Down The Ages Now
Theme(s) The Church Divine Construction
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No
Buy Book/CD Amazon Buy Link

Far Down The Ages Now,
Much Of Her Journey Done,
The Pilgrim Church Pursues Her Way,
Until Her Crown Be Won.

The Story Of The Past
Comes Up Before Her View:
How Well It Seems To Suit Her Still
Old, And Yet Ever New!

It Is The Oft-Told Tale
Of Sin And Weariness
Of Grace And Love Yet Flowing Down
To Pardon And To Bless.

No Wider Is The Gate,
No Broader Is The Way,
No Smoother Is The Ancient Path,
That Leads To Life And Day.

No Sweeter Is The Cup,
Nor Less Our Lot Of Ill:
’Twas Tribulation Ages Since,
’Tis Tribulation Still.

No Slacker Grows The Fight,
No Feebler Is The Foe,
Nor Less The Need Of Armor Tried,
Of Shield, And Spear, And Bow.

Thus Onward Still We Press,
Through Evil And Through Good
Through Pain, And Poverty, And Want,
Through Peril And Through Blood.

Still Faithful To Our God,
And To Our Captain True,
We Follow Where He Leads The Way,
The Kingdom In Our View.

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