Song | Go Home And Tell |
Album | Christian Songs Of Hope |
Genre | Christian Hymns By Songwriter |
Writer(s) | Ada R. Habershon |
Music | |
Key | F |
Tags | Go Home And Tell |
Meter | D |
Scripture Reference(s) | Mark 5:19; Luke 8:39; Acts 1:8 |
Year | 1905 |
Go Home And Tell To Those You Love
How Christ Hath Set You Free;
The Wondrous Change Which Grace Hath Wrought,
Let All Your Neighbors See.
Go Home And Tell, Go Home And Tell
What God Hath Done For You;
Go Home And Tell, Go Home And Tell,
That They May Want Him Too.
Go Home And Tell Them How You Met
With One Who Understood,
Who Knew Your Need And Saw Your Sin,
And Shed For You His Blood.
Go Forth And Tell To Those Around
That He Can Meet Their Need,
That ’Twas For Them He Came To Earth,
On Calvary To Bleed.
Go Forth And Tell To Those Afar
That They Too May Be Blessed,
Till In The Utmost Bounds Of Earth,
Your Lord You Have Confessed.