Lyrics Our Great Redeemer’s Praise

Higher Ground

Song Higher Ground
Album Our Great Redeemer’s Praise 
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Higher Ground
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I’m Pressing On The Upward Way,
New Heights I’m Gaining Every Day;
Still Praying As I’m Onward Bound,
“Lord, Plant My Feet On Higher Ground.”

Lord, Lift Me Up, And Let Me Stand
By Faith, On Heaven’s Tableland;
A Higher Plane Than I Have Found,
Lord, Plant My Feet On Higher Ground.

My Heart Has No Desire To Stay
Where Doubts Arise And Fears Dismay;
Though Some May Dwell Where These Abound,
My Prayer, My Aim, Is Higher Ground.

I Want To Live Above The World,
Though Satan’s Darts At Me Are Hurled;
For Faith Has Caught A Joyful Sound,
The Song Of Saints On Higher Ground.

I Want To Scale The Utmost Height,
And Catch A Gleam Of Glory Bright;
But Still I’ll Pray Till Heaven I’ve Found,
“Lord, Lead Me On To Higher Ground.

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