Lyrics The Christian Hymn Book

It Is The Hour Of Prayer

Song It Is The Hour Of Prayer
Album The Christian Hymn Book
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s) A. Campbell And Others
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags It Is The Hour Of Prayer
Theme(s) Prayer And Social Meetings
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No
Buy Book/CD Amazon Buy Link

It Is The Hour Of Prayer:
Draw Near And Bend The Knee,
And Fill The Calm And Holy Air
With Voice Of Melody!
O’erwearied With The Heat
And Burden Of The Day,
Now Let Us Rest Our Wandering Feet,
And Gather Here To Pray.

O, Blessed Is The Hour
That Lifts Our Hearts On High!
Like Sunlight When The Tempests Lower,
Prayer To The Soul Is Nigh;
Though Dark May Be Our Lot,
Our Eyes Be Dim With Care,
These Saddening Thoughts Shall Trouble Not
This Holy Hour Of Prayer.

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