John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

Jesus I Believe Thee Near

SongJesus I Believe Thee Near
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsJesus I Believe Thee Near
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

Jesus, I Believe Thee Near,
Now My Fallen Soul Restore!
Now My Guilty Conscience Clear,
Give Me Back My Peace And Power,
Stone To Flesh Again Convert,
Write Forgiveness On My Heart.

I Believe Thy Pardoning Grace,
As At The Beginning, Free;
Open Are Thy Arms To Embrace
Me, The Worst Of Rebels, Me;
In Me All The Hindrance Lies;
Called, I Still Refuse To Rise.

Yet, For Thy Own Mercy’s Sake,
Patience With Thy Rebel Have;
Me Thy Mercy’s Witness Make,
Witness Of Thy Power To Save;
Make Me Willing To Be Free,
Restless To Be Saved By Thee.

Now The Gracious Work Begin,
Mow For Good Some Token Give;
Give Me Now To Feel My Sin,
Give Me Now My Sin To Leave;
Bid Me Look On Thee And Mourn,
Bid Me To Thy Arms Return.

Take This Heart Of Stone Away,
Melt Me Into Gracious Tears;
Grant Me Power To Watch And Pray.
Till Thy Lovely Face Appears,
Till Thy Favour I Retrieve,
Till By Faith Again I Live.