Lyrics Our Great Redeemer’s Praise

Jesus United By Your Grace

Song Jesus United By Your Grace
Album Our Great Redeemer’s Praise 
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Jesus United By Your Grace
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CCLI Song No
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Jesus, United By Your Grace,
And Each To Each Endeared,
With Confidence We Seek Your Face,
And Know Our Prayer Is Heard.

Help Us To See In Each A Friend,
Each Other’s Cross To Bear,
Let All Their Friendly Aid Extend,
And Feel The Other’s Care.

Up Into You, Our Living Head,
Let Us In All Things Grow,
Till You Have Made Us Free Indeed
And Faithful Here Below.

Drawn By The Lodestone Of Your Love,
Let All Our Hearts Unite;
Let Us Toward Each Other Move,
And Move Toward Your Light.

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