Lyrics Most Popular Gospel Songs – Letter L

Let Party Names No More

Song   Let Party Names No More
Album Most Popular Gospel Songs – Letter L
Genre Contemporary Christian Music
Writer Benjamin Beddome
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Let Party Names No More
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No
Buy Book / CD Amazon Buy Link

Let Party Names No More
The Christian World Overspread;
Gentile And Jew, And Bond And Free,
Are One In Christ, Their Head.

Among The Saints On Earth
Let Mutual Love Be Found,
Heirs Of The Same Inheritance
With Mutual Blessings Crowned.

Let Envy, Child Of Hell!
Be Banished Far Away:
Those Should In Strictest Friendship Dwell
Who The Same Lord Obey.

Thus Will The Church Below
Resemble That Above,
Where Streams Of Pleasure Ever Flow,
And Every Heart Is Love.

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