John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

Lift Your Eyes Of Faith And See

SongLift Your Eyes Of Faith And See
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsLift Your Eyes Of Faith And See
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

Lift Your Eyes Of Faith And See
Saints And Angels Joined In One;
What A Countless Company
Stand Before Yon Dazzling Throne!
Each Before His Saviour Stands,
All In Milk-White Robes Arrayed,
Palms They Carry In Their Hands,
Crowns Of Glory On Their Head.

Saints Begin The Endless Song,
Cry Aloud In Heavenly Lays,
Glory Doth To God Belong,
God, The Glorious Saviour, Praise:
All Salvation From Him Came,
Him, Who Reigns Enthroned On High:
Glory To The Bleeding Lamb,
Let The Morning Stars Reply.

Angel-Powers The Throne Surround,
Next The Saints In Glory They;
Lulled With The Transporting Sound,
They Their Silent Homage Pay,
Prostrate On Their Face Before
God And His Messiah Fall;
Then In Hymns Of Praise Adore,
Shout The Lamb That Died For All.

Be It So, They All Reply,
Him Let All Our Orders Praise;
Him That Did For Sinners Die,
Saviour Of The Favoured Race!
Render We Our God His Right,
Glory, Wisdom, Thanks, And Power,
Honour, Majesty, And Might;
Praise Him, Praise Him Evermore!