Song | Lord Of Earth And Air And Sea |
Album | John Wesley’s Collection of Hymns |
Genre | Traditional Christian Hymns |
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Tags | Lord Of Earth And Air And Sea |
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CCLI Song No |
Lord Of Earth, And Air, And Sea,
Supreme In Power And Grace,
Under Thy Protection, We
Our Souls And Bodies Place.
Bold An Unknown Land To Try,
We Launch Into The Foaming Deep;
Rocks, And Storms, And Deaths Defy,
With Jesus In The Ship.
Who The Calm Can Understand
In A Believer’s Breast?
In The Hollow Of His Hand
Our Souls Securely Rest:
Winds May Rise, And Seas May Roar,
We On His Love Our Spirits Stay;
Him With Quiet Joy Adore,
Whom Winds And Seas Obey.