Song | My Heart And Voice I Raise |
Album | John Wesley’s Collection of Hymns |
Genre | Traditional Christian Hymns |
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Tags | My Heart And Voice I Raise |
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CCLI Song No |
My Heart And Voice I Raise,
To Spread Messiah’s Praise;
Messiah’s Praise Let All Repeat;
The Universal Lord,
By Whose Almighty Word
Creation Rose In Form Complete.
A Servant’s Form He Wore,
And In His Body Bore
Our Dreadful Curse On Calvary:
He Like A Victim Stood,
And Poured His Sacred Blood,
To Set The Guilty Captives Free.
But Soon The Victor Rose
Triumphant O’er His Foes,
And Led The Vanquished Host In Chains:
He Threw Their Empire Down,
His Foes Compelled To Own,
O’er All The Great Messiah Reigns.
With Mercy’s Mildest Grace,
He Governs All Our Race
In Wisdom, Righteousness, And Love:
Who To Messiah Fly
Shall Find Redemption Nigh,
And All His Great Salvation Prove.
Hail, Saviour, Prince Of Peace!
Thy Kingdom Shall Increase,
Till All The World Thy Glory See;
And Righteousness Abound,
As The Great Deep Profound,
And Fill The Earth With Purity