John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

My Heart Is Full Of Christ And Longs

SongMy Heart Is Full Of Christ And Longs
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsMy Heart Is Full Of Christ And Longs
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

My Heart Is Full Of Christ, And Longs
Its Glorious Matter To Declare!
Of Him I Make My Loftier Song,
I Cannot From His Praise Forbear;
My Ready Tongue Makes Haste To Sing
The Glories Of My Heavenly King.

Fairer Than All The Earth-Born Race,
Perfect In Comeliness Thou Art;
Replenished Are Thy Lips With Grace,
And Full Of Love Thy Tender Heart:
God Ever Blest! We Bow The Knee,
And Own All Fulness Dwells In Thee.

Gird On Thy Thigh The Spirit’s Sword,
And Take To Thee Thy Power Divine;
Stir Up Thy Strength, Almighty Lord,
All Power And Majesty Are Thine:
Assert Thy Worship And Renown;
O All-Redeeming God, Come Down!

Come, And Maintain Thy Righteous Cause,
And Let Thy Glorious Toil Succeed;
Dispread The Victory Of Thy Cross,
Ride On, And Prosper In Thy Deed;
Through Earth Triumphantly Ride On,
And Reign In Every Heart Alone.