Lyrics The Christian Hymn Book

My Soul Repeat His Praise

Song My Soul Repeat His Praise
Album The Christian Hymn Book
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s) A. Campbell And Others
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags My Soul Repeat His Praise
Theme(s) God:In Providence
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No
Buy Book/CD Amazon Buy Link

My Soul, Repeat His Praise
Whose Mercies Are So Great;
Whose Anger Is So Slow To Rise,
So Ready To Abate.

High As The Heavens Are Raised
Above The Ground We Tread,
So Far The Riches Of His Grace
Our Highest Thoughts Exceed.

His Power Subdues Our Sins,
And His Forgiving Love,
Far As The East Is From The West,
Doth All Our Guilt Remove.

The Pity Of The Lord,
To Those That Fear His Name,
Is Such As Tender Parents Feel:
He Knows Our Feeble Frame.

Our Days Are As The Grass,
Or Like The Morning Flower:
If One Sharp Blast Sweeps O’er The Field,
It Withers In An Hour.

But Thy Compassions, Lord,
To Endless Years Endure;
And Children’s Children Ever Find
Thy Words Of Promise Sure.

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