John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

O God My Hope My Heavenly Rest

SongO God My Hope My Heavenly Rest
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsO God My Hope My Heavenly Rest
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

O God, My Hope, My Heavenly Rest,
My All Of Happiness Below,
Grant My Importunate Request,
To Me, To Me, Thy Goodness Show;
Thy Beatific Face Display,
The Brightness Of Eternal Day.

Before My Faith’s Enlightened Eyes
Make All Thy Gracious Goodness Pass;
Thy Goodness Is The Sight I Prize,
O Might I See Thy Smiling Face!
Thy Nature In My Soul Proclaim,
Reveal Thy Love, Thy Glorious Name!

There, In The Place Beside Thy Throne,
Where All That Find Acceptance Stand,
Receive Me Up Into Thy Son;
Cover Me With Thy Mighty Hand;
Set Me Upon The Rock, And Hide
My Soul In Jesu’s Wounded Side.

O Put Me In The Cleft; Empower
My Soul The Glorious Sight To Bear!
Descend In This Accepted Hour,
Pass By Me, And Thy Name Declare;
Thy Wrath Withdraw, Thy Hand Remove,
And Show Thy Self The God Of Love.