John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

O Thou Our Husband Brother Friend

SongO Thou Our Husband Brother Friend
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsO Thou Our Husband Brother Friend
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

O Thou, Our Husband, Brother, Friend,
Behold A Cloud Of Incense Rise!
The Prayers Of Saints To Heaven Ascend,
Grateful, Accepted Sacrifice.

Regard Our Prayers For Zion’s Peace;
Shed In Our Hearts Thy Love Abroad;
Thy Gifts Abundantly Increase;
Enlarge, And Fill Us All With God.

Before Thy Sheep, Great Shepherd, Go,
And Guide Into Thy Perfect Will;
Cause Us Thy Hallowed Name To Know,
The Work Of Faith In Us Fulfil.

Help Us To Make Our Calling Sure;
O Let Us All Be Saints Indeed,
And Pure As Thou Thyself Art Pure,
Conformed In All Things To Our Head!

Take The Dear Purchase Of Thy Blood;
Thy Blood Shall Wash Us White As Snow;
Present Us Sanctified To God,
And Perfected In Love Below.

That Blood Which Cleanses From All Sin,
That Efficacious Blood Apply,
And Wash, And Make Us Wholly Clean,
And Change, And Throughly Sanctify.

From All Iniquity Redeem,
Cleanse By The Water And The Word,
And Free From Every Spot Of Blame,
And Make The Servant As His Lord!