Lyrics Pentecostal And Apostolic Hymns 2

One Holy Lamb (Atonement Day)

Song   One Holy Lamb (Atonement Day)
Album Pentecostal And Apostolic Hymns 2
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags One Holy Lamb (Atonement Day)
Scripture Reference(s)
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Atonement Day, A Shepherd Cries.
Another Spotless Lamb Must Die.
Oh How Could Just One Sacrifice Our God,
Jehovah Satisfy?!
Year After Year The Blood Would Flow,
But None Could Wash Me White As Snow!
Salvation’s Day Fulfilled As Planned,
The Promise Came; One Holy Lamb.

One Holy Lamb Washed My Sin Away!
One Sacrifice Paid The Price I Could Not Pay.
One Holy Lamb, One Great I Am,
One Seed Of Abraham,
One Holy Lamb Washed My Sin Away!

Atonement Day The Father Cries,
The Spotless Son Of God Must Die!
One Final Death For Every Man.
One Blood, One Life,
One Holy Lamb.

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel