Song | Our Lady Of Lourdes |
Album | The Catholic Hymns |
Genre | Contemporary Gospel |
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Tags | Our Lady Of Lourdes |
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CCLI Song No |
Immaculate Mother, We Come At Thy Call,
And Low At Thy Altar, Before Thee We Fall.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave Maria!
In Grief And Temptation, In Joy And In Pain,
We’ll Seek Thee, Our Mother, Nor Seek Thee In Vain.
In Death’s Solemn Moment, O Mother, Be Nigh,
As Children Of Mary, O Teach Us To Die.
Immaculate Mary, Your Praises We Sing.
You Reign Now In Splendor With Jesus Our King.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave Maria!
In Heaven The Blessed Your Glory Proclaim;
On Earth We Your Children Invoke Your Fair Name.
We Pray For Our Mother, The Church Upon Earth,
And Bless, Holy Mary, The Land Of Our Birth.