Lyrics Top Gospel Songs Of All The Time

Power In God’s Son

SongPower In God’s Son
AlbumTop Gospel Songs Of All The Time
GenreContemporary Gospel
TagsPower In God’s Son
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No 

There Was A Man Named Lazarus
Whom Jesus Loved They Say.
He Died And There Was Buried.
In A Land, So Far Away.
Then Martha Sent For Jesus,
That He Night Come And Pray
And Brought Him To The Grave Sight.
Were His Friend Lazarus Lay.

Then Jesus Looked Toward Heaven.
And He Began To Pray
Oh Father I Know You Hear My Prayer.
But This Is For Their Sake,
I Know That You Have All Power.
And None Can Over Come,
But That I Might Show To Theses Nearby
There’s Power In God’s Son.
Lazarus, Come, Forth.
They Heard, Him Say, That Day.
And Lazarus Then Came Forth From The Grave.

Someday When All Is Finished.
And God Says It Is Time.
The Fields Are Ripe And Ready
Bring Home, That Which Is Mine.
From Somewhere Out Of Glory.
And Riding On A Cloud,
This One That Raised Up Lazarus
Will Come Back With A Shout.

The Graves Will Then Burst Open.
The Dead In Christ Will Rise,
Ascending Up Toward Heaven.
To Meet Him In The Sky.
And We That Are Still Living.
In Faith Our Race We Run.
We’ll Shout As We Go Onward.
There’s Power In God’s Son.
Come Higher, Children
We’ll Hear, Him Say, That Day.
And Go Home To Live With Christ For Aye.
And Go Home To Live With Christ For Aye.