Good Old Christian Hymns Lyrics

Satisfied In Jesus

SongSatisfied In Jesus
AlbumGood Old Christian Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s)Barney E. Warren
TagsSatisfied In Jesus
Scripture Reference(s) Psalm 65:4
CCLI Song No 

I Am Satisfied In Jesus,
What A Sweet Soul Rest I Feel;
When Life’s Greatest Burdens Press Me,
He Doth All My Sorrows Heal.

I Am Satisfied,
I Am Satisfied;
If By Simple Faith In Jesus I Abide,
Then My Soul Is Fully Satisfied.

I Can Sing Redemption’s Story,
Peace Within My Bosom Reigns;
I Am Satisfied, Oh, Glory!
In My Heart, His Grace Remains.

I Am Satisfied Completely,
In His Love Supremely Blest;
Since His Arms Are Underneath Me,
Soul And Body Are At Rest.

Satisfied In Jesus’ Keeping,
He’s My Choice Forevermore;
Fade, Life’s Joys, So Short And Fleeting,
Mine Are Over On That Shore