Christian Songs Of Hope Lyrics

Saved By The Blood


Saved By The Blood
AlbumChristian Songs Of Hope
GenreChristian Hymns By Songwriter
Writer(s)C. Z. Lindley
TagsSaved By The Blood
Meter D
Scripture Reference(s)Matthew 9:13; 11:28
Year 1889

O Poor Sinner, Come To Jesus,
Lay On Him Your Weary Soul;
He Will Give You Peace And Pardon,
Purify And Make You Whole.

Gently Now The Spirit’s Whispering,
Wooing, Calling You Today;
Don’t You Hear Him Softly Saying,
Urging, Pleading, “Don’t Delay”?

O Poor Sinner, Come To Jesus,
Now He Speaks So Tenderly,
“Come To Me, For You I’ve Suffered,
Bled And Died On Calvary.”

O Poor Sinner, Come To Jesus,
Lay Your Heart At His Dear Feet;
He Will Fold You In His Bosom,
And Will Make Your Rest Complete.

O Poor Sinner, Come To Jesus,
Time Is Fleeting Swiftly By;
Still The Loving Savior’s Calling,
Come, Oh, Come, Why Will You Die?

O Poor Sinner, Come To Jesus,
Hasten, Come, Before Too Late;
Lest The Spirit Cease His Wooing;
Sad, Then, Sad Will Be Your Fate.