Lyrics The Christian Hymn Book

Sinner Art Thou Still Secure

Song Sinner Art Thou Still Secure
Album The Christian Hymn Book
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s) A. Campbell And Others
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Sinner Art Thou Still Secure
Theme(s) Invitations
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No
Buy Book/CD Amazon Buy Link

Sinner, Art Thou Still Secure?
Wilt Thou Still Refuse To Pray?
Can Thy Heart Or Hands Endure
In The Lord’s Avenging Day?
See His Mighty Arm Made Bare!
Awful Terrors Clothe His Brow!
For His Judgment Now Prepare,
Thou Must Either Break Or Bow.

At His Presence Nature Shakes;
Earth, Affrighted, Hastes To Flee;
Solid Mountains Melt Like Wax;
What Will Then Become Of Thee?

Who His Coming May Abide?
You That Glory In Your Shame,
Will You Find A Place To Hide
When The World Is Wrapt In Flame?

Then The Great, The Rich, The Wise,
Trembling, Guilty, Self-Condemned,
Must Behold The Wrathful Eyes
Of The Judge They Once Blasphemed.
Where Are Now Their Haughty Looks?
O! Their Horror And Despair,
When They See The Opened Books,
And Their Dreadful Sentence Hear!

Lord, Prepare Us By Thy Grace:
Soon We Must Resign Our Breath,
And Our Souls Be Called To Pass
Through The Iron Gate Of Death.
Let Us Now Our Days Improve,
Listen To The Gospel Voice;
Seek The Things That Are Above;
Scorn The World’s Pretended Joys.

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