Christian Web Resources Lyrics

The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came

SongThe Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came
AlbumChristian Web Resources
GenreContemporary Christian Music
Writer(s)S Baring-Gould 
TagsThe Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came
Scripture Reference(s) 
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The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came,
His Wings As Drifted Snow, His Eyes As Flame;
‘All Hail,’ Said He, ‘Thou Lowly Maiden Mary,
Most Highly Favoured Lady.’

‘For Known A Blessèd Mother Thou Shalt Be,
All Generations Laud And Honour Thee,
Thy Son Shall Be Emmanuel, By Seers Foretold;
Most Highly Favoured Lady.’

Then Gentle Mary Meekly Bowed Her Head,
‘To Me Be As It Pleaseth God,’ She Said,
‘My Soul Shall Laud And Magnify His Holy Name’:
Most Highly Favoured Lady.

Of Her, Emmanuel, The Christ Was Born
In Bethlehem, All On A Christmas Morn,
And Christian Folk Throughout The World Will Ever Say
‘Most Highly Favoured Lady.’