John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

Their Earthly Task Who Fail To Do

SongTheir Earthly Task Who Fail To Do
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsTheir Earthly Task Who Fail To Do
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

Their Earthly Task Who Fail To Do,
Neglect Their Heavenly Business Too;
Nor Know What Faith And Duty Mean,
Who Use Religion As A Screen,
Asunder Put What God Hath Joined,
A Diligent And Pious Mind.

Full Well The Labour Of Our Hands
With Fervency Of Spirit Stands;
For God, Who All Our Days Hath Given,
From Toil Excepts But One In Seven:
And Labouring While We Time Redeem,
We Please The Lord, And Work For Him.

Happy We Live, When God Doth Fill
Our Hands With Work, Our Hearts With Zeal;
For Every Toil, If He Enjoin,
Becomes A Sacrifice Divine,
And Like The Blessed Spirits Above,
The More We Serve, The More We Love.