Christian Web Resources Lyrics

Thy Hand, O God, Has Guided

SongThy Hand, O God, Has Guided
AlbumChristian Web Resources
GenreContemporary Christian Music
Writer(s)E H Plumptre
MusicBasil Harwood 
TagsThy Hand, O God, Has Guided
Scripture Reference(s) 
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Thy Hand, O God, Has Guided
Thy Flock, From Age To Age;
The Wondrous Tale Is Written,
Full Clear, On Every Page;
Our Fathers Owned Thy Goodness,
And We Their Deeds Record;
And Both Of This Bear Witness;
One Church, One Faith, One Lord.

Thy Heralds Brought Glad Tidings
To Greatest As To Least;
They Bade Men Rise, And Hasten
To Share The Great King’s Feast;
And This Was All Their Teaching,
In Every Deed And Word,
To All Alike Proclaiming
One Church, One Faith, One Lord.

Through Many A Day Of Darkness,
Through Many A Scene Of Strife,
The Faithful Few Fought Bravely,
To Guard The Nation’s Life.
Their Gospel Of Redemption,
Sin Pardoned, Man Restored,
Was All In This Enfolded:
One Church, One Faith, One Lord.

Thy Mercy Will Not Fail Us,
Nor Leave Thy Work Undone;
With Thy Right Hand To Help Us,
Thy Victory Shall Be Won;
And Then, By Men And Angels,
Thy Name Shall Be Adored,
And This Shall Be Their Anthem:
One Church, One Faith, One Lord.