John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

Too Strong I Was To Conquer Sin

SongToo Strong I Was To Conquer Sin
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsToo Strong I Was To Conquer Sin
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

Too Strong I Was To Conquer Sin,
When Against It First I Turned My Face;
Nor Knew My Want Of Power Within,
Nor Knew The Omnipotence Of Grace.

In Nature’s Strength I Sought In Vain
For What My God Refused To Give;
I Could Not Then The Mastery Gain,
Or Lord Of All My Passions Live.

But, For The Glory Of Thy Name,
Vouchsafe Me Now The Victory;
Weakness Itself Thou Know’st I Am,
And Cannot Share The Praise With Thee.

Because I Now Can Nothing Do,
Jesus, Do All The Work Alone;
And Bring My Soul Triumphant Through,
To Wave Its Palm Before Thy Throne.

Great God, Unknown, Invisible,
Appear, My Confidence To Abase,
To Make Me All My Vileness Feel,
And Blush At My Own Righteousness.

Thy Glorious Face In Christ Display,
That, Silenced By Thy Mercy’s Power,
My Mouth I In The Dust May Lay,
And Never Boast Or Murmur More.