John Wesley's Collection of Hymns Lyrics

Trusting In Our Lord Alone

SongTrusting In Our Lord Alone
AlbumJohn Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
GenreTraditional Christian Hymns
TagsTrusting In Our Lord Alone
Scripture Reference(s) 
CCLI Song No 

Trusting In Our Lord Alone,
A Great High-Priest We Have!
Jesus, God’s Eternal Son,
Omnipotent To Save,
With The Virtue Of His Blood,
Ascending To The Holiest Place,
Passed The Heavenly Courts, And Stood
Before His Father’s Face.

Separate Holy From Sinful Men,
Our Advocate Above
Doth His Brethren’s Cause Maintain
Before The Throne Of Love;
Pleads For Us On Earth Who Dwell
His One Sufficient Sacrifice;
Us To Save From Sin And Hell,
He Reigns Above The Skies.

Holy, Like Thyself, And Pure
Thou Wilt Thy Brethren Make,
From All Evil World Secure,
And To Thy Bosom Take;
Us Before Thy Father’s Face
Acknowledge For Thy Flesh And Bone,
Higher Than The Angels Place,
And Nearest To Thy Throne.