Lyrics United Methodist Hymnal

This Is My Father’s World

Song This Is My Father’s World
Album United Methodist Hymnal
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags This Is My Father’s World
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This Is My Father’s World,
And To My Listening Ears
All Nature Sings, And Round Me Rings
The Music Of The Spheres.
This Is My Father’s World:
I Rest Me In The Thought
Of Rocks And Trees, Of Skies And Seas–
His Hand The Wonders Wrought.

This Is My Father’s World:
The Birds Their Carols Raise,
The Morning Light, The Lily White,
Declare Their Maker’s Praise.
This Is My Father’s World:
He Shines In All That’s Fair;
In The Rustling Grass, I Hear Him Pass,
He Speaks To Me Everywhere.

This Is My Father’s World:
O Let Me Ne’er Forget
That Though The Wrong Seems Oft So Strong,
God Is The Ruler Yet.
This Is My Father’s World:
Why Should My Heart Be Sad?
The Lord Is King: Let The Heavens Ring!
God Reigns; Let Earth Be Glad!

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